We've talked about Burn Burn Burn before. Our first real article was a review of their "This Machine" EP. We did an interview with their guitar player, Adam! France, about his solo tour. Their founding guitar player, Garrett Griebel (who is currently living on the other side of the country), runs City Bear Design and has done a lot of our graphic design work. It's safe to say we're friends. The coverage they've received here is not without merit, however. They deserve all the publicity they can get.
It's great seeing a band play so many shows, release so much material, and still manage to be kind of silly. They've got a T-shirt with a slain Jar Jar Binx, proclaiming "Death to the Prequels!" They're calling their next romp down the coast "the Pickle Back to the Future Tour." These guys are real folks, who love punk, pickle-backs, and nerd culture.
I did a phone interview with Drew Smith to talk about that tour, which starts this Wednesday. Drew is an interesting guy who has worked with the Assasinators and the Americommies previously. Luckily it was kinda early when we had our chat and neither of us were too fucked up to share some good words.
Our conversation was out of order. I'm not good about writing up questions before an interview. I'm not great with professionalism either. The interview was full of nonsense and it was hard to find the important stuff and put it in order. That being said, I did it, and I think I did it well.
Burn Burn Burn got started when Drew decided he wanted to pursue a cleaner sounding project. He'd been hanging out with John, their founding drummer, a lot. Drew would scream into the mic, while playing three chords over John's drumming. At the time, Drew was a little more shaky and atonal in terms of his vocal styling. When I brought it up, he responded with, "I didn't know what the hell I was doing, I still don't know what the hell I'm doing. All I wanted to be like, and all I ever want to be like, is Fat Mike; when it comes to funny stage banter. Trying to implement that is the worst idea ever because, no matter what, you're not Fat Mike and you're not going to be a funny drunk douche bag. You're just going to be a drunk douche bag."
In the beginning Burn was a four piece. It was Drew, Chris Daniels, John Taylor, and Garrett Griebel. Travis Rimby (of CLR fame) quickly replaced Chris on the bass. That didn't last too incredibly long, and bass powerhouse, Benny Iler has been holding it down ever since. More recently, the band members have switched out a lot. John quit the band about a week before they recorded "This Machine," about a month before their nation-wide "Life is Tight Tour." Garret took over the drums for the EP, making his contributions to the final product total out to lead guitars, drums, and graphic design. Drew explained, "He's a magical ginger. He's like a leprechaun, but really tall." They had a friend from San Diego fill in on "Life is Tight," and since they got back, Ian Walter of Generation Decline has joined on drums. With Garret on the east coast, Adam has taken over lead guitar duties, while Brett Wood from On the Ground is filling in on rhythm guitar.
The new tour is equal parts promotion for the new split and a sheer need to be on the road. "Our split with Stabbed in the Back is supposed to be released right around this time. With vinyl it's always so up in the air. It might show up by the time we leave for tour, it might not. It's really cutting it. Either way, we're basically touring just because we're a band. We've got the itch and we need to. It's not the only tour we'll be doing this year anyway. Instead of doing a crazy 11 week one, like we did last year, I think we're gonna split them up and kinda regionalize it. Probably every other month, we'll just do a 2 or 3 week tour and go in different directions. If we don't have the split by this tour, we'll have it by the next tour."
The funny thing about the split is, the Burn Burn Burn tracks were recorded before "This Machine." Drew said they were recorded for a different split that never happened. "[The tracks] were recorded, I think a month before we recorded 'This Machine.' It was supposed to be on a split with another band. With vinyl it already takes forever and that band still needed to record their's. Long story short, they broke up and became another band. We were just like 'Okaaaay. We've still got these split tracks. Who wants to be on a split with us?' So, it's going to be with Stabbed in the Back. We're super excited, because those guys are super awesome."
This tour is really exciting. The west coast is pretty easy for these guys. It's going to be a lot of meeting up with old friends. "The last tour, we toured the whole nation. Pretty much everything was foreign to us. Except the west coast and Montana. So, this will be a piece of cake." They've got a lot of great bands on bills while on this tour. It was nice to hear someone so excited about their craft and the opportunity to practice it among other masters. "I'm most excited to play with Western Settings. They're based out of San Diego. We're playing with them on our San Diego and Tijuana dates. We're playing with the Briefs in Bellingham, SNFU and Nihilist Cunt in Reno, and our homecoming show is with a Wilhelm Scream."
Getting to play with bands you've followed for years seems like the perfect payoff, but when asked about the most rewarding part of being in a touring band, Drew said, "Honestly, it's knowing it was all done because of you. Being a touring band at this level, you get the least amount of help from anybody. Whatever satisfaction you get out of it, it's all because of the work you put into it." When I asked if he thought bands with managers lost out on some of that satisfaction, he replied, "It depends on what level they're at. You can quote me on this, if they're in a local band and they have a fucking manager, they're lame asses. One: you're not going to appreciate anything you get, and two: you have no idea how to do anything. Do you know how easy it is to book shows locally? Try booking a tour. It's hard as shit. Now, if they have a national tour booker, that's some next level shit. I don't condone or condemn any band that does that. If we got offered that, I'm not sure if we'd take it or not."
Drew's been booking the tour himself and their label, La Escalera, is providing records to sell, making sure Burn can do all they need to on tour. I was interested in how that union came to be. Drew filled me in on the strange circumstances surrounding the summer that lead to getting signed. "La Escalera signed us right after we recorded 'This Machine.' It's kind of weird how everything went down. We had a really messy summer. It's a really long story but, we got asked to play this festival in Montana and everyone got really excited." Talk of the drive lead one of the band members to suggest a national tour. " 'We should just tour the whole country and keep the drives down to four hours' I'm doing the math in my head. I'm like, 'We'd be gone for like three months!' He said, 'We could just book from the road.' I'm like, 'We? You don't know how to do this! You mean, I book all the shows from the road?'" When all was said and done, that guy quit before the album got recorded. After Drew was a month into booking the tour already. So they went ahead and announced the tour anyway. Drew told me that La Escalera contacted them and asked, "What's up with this new release? Do you need some one to release it?" La Escalera puts out the Loss, Success, Random Orbits... It's an amazing independent label. What a great fit and an amazing opportunity.
Burn Burn Burn has a lot going for it. They're signed to great label, they've managed to survive through countless member changes, and their recent releases have been gracing my playlists (and I'm sure countless other people's) for the last year or more. If you get a chance, head on out to one of their tour dates. New merch and a solid line-up are sure to make it worth your time, even if you've seen them before. It starts on Wednesday, May 28th in Burien, WA. For more information visit their Facebook and Bandcamp pages.
May 28th Burien, Wa - Black Zia Cantina
May 29th Bellingham, Wa - Make.Shift w/ The Briefs
May 30th Olympia, Wa - Trackhouse
May 31st Prineville, Or - Cinnabar Lounge w/ tuck and roll
June 1st Reno, Nv - Jub Jub's Thirst Parlor *free show* After SNFU
May 28th Burien, Wa - Black Zia Cantina
May 29th Bellingham, Wa - Make.Shift w/ The Briefs
May 30th Olympia, Wa - Trackhouse
May 31st Prineville, Or - Cinnabar Lounge w/ tuck and roll
June 1st Reno, Nv - Jub Jub's Thirst Parlor *free show* After SNFU
June 2nd Sacramento, Ca - Cafe Colonial
June 3rd Hemet, Ca - The Wheelhouse Bar w/ Slow Children
June 4th Los Angeles, Ca - The Redwood Bar
June 5th San Diego, Ca - The Tower Bar
June 6th Tijuana, Mx - El Tigre Bar
June 7th Oakland, Ca - Stork Club
June 8th Chico, Ca - The Hundredth Monkey Cafe
June 9th Portland, Or - Katie O'Brien's
June 10th Seattle, Wa - El Corazon w/ A Wilhelm Scream and DIRECT HIT!
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