Concert Calendar

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Generation Decline - Battle Anthems

If you've never seen Generation Decline, I pity you. You haven't heard any of their recordings? Well, there's no hope for your mortal soul.

Unless, of course, you remedy this immediately.

Gen. Decline gave me the blessing of receiving their new CD before anyone else had it. It's an amazing showcase of what the Bremerton punk scene has to offer. It's full of crusty, Bay-area style. The female fronts and male back-ups are reminiscent of Nausea and half of F-minus. You can hear some of Seattle's Skarp in Angel's vocals. Generation Decline is another great example of Washingtonians knowing their roots and having a thorough plan for the future.

At a whopping seven songs, this isn't even close to the longest release Fringe Music has handled, but it  may be the most important. Generation Decline manages to meld street punk, hardcore, and metal in the coolest way this author has ever experienced. Take an amazing rhythm section, meld it with a lead guitar that out-does Black Flag's Greg Ginn, and it manages to stand out above the rest of this year's guitar heroes and does so without ever sounding pretentious. Make sure they stay punk-as-fuck; and add an amazing female lead.

The Distillers wanted to be this band.

Star Fucking Hipsters wanted to be this band.

The Washington underground is blessed to have the real McCoy.

Nothing on this CD feels forced. You can savor the members' every last sweat-drop as you venture through. No holds are barred. No prisoners are taken. If you can manage to make it through this without devoting your entire life to music or destroying the system, you're a fucking cyborg. This is the new soundtrack for sedition.

Since this isn't out yet, and I didn't get an official release, I don't have the lyrics. As such, I can only give you what I picked out:

These people hate the powers that be.

They want you to help bring it down.

They also want you to make this tour a success.

They especially want you to read their interview with Fringe Music. It will be published shortly after it takes place on Tuesday, April 29th, 2014.

This album gets a 4.5 out of 5.


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